Windows 8 XAML Tips - App Background Image

By Fons Sonnemans, posted on
8744 Views 12 Comments

Adding a background image to a Windows 8 Store application in XAML can be done in a few different ways. If your app supports navigation between pages you don't want to reload the background image when you navigate to a different page. This doesn't look right on slower ARM devices like the Surface, you will see the image flicker. In this blog I will demonstrate how to set the background image in 3 different ways. The last one without the image flickering.

Setup Demo App

I created a new project in Visual Studio using the 'Grid App (XAML)' template. This creates a project in which 3 pages are defined. The user can navigate between those pages.

Then I added a background image to the Assets folder and named it 'Background.jpg'. I found this image by using this Bing Image search in which I searched for 'Background Black'. Instead of using the default black background I want to use my 'Background.jpg' for all my pages.

Solution 1 - Set Grid.Background property in XAML

The root control of all pages (GroupDetailPage.xaml, GroupDetailPage.xaml and ItemDetailPage.xaml) is a Grid control. You can set the Background property of this Grid control to an ImageBrush. The ImageSource is set to the '/Assets/Background.jpg' image. Make sure you do this for all pages in your project.

<Grid Style="{StaticResource LayoutRootStyle}">
        <RowDefinition Height="140"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Assets/Background.jpg"
                    Stretch="UniformToFill" />

Solution 2 - Set Grid.Background property in the LayoutRootStyle

Instead of setting the Grid.Background property in each page you can also set it once in the 'LayoutRootStyle' style. The All my pages have this style set on the root Grid control. This style is defined in the 'StandardStyles.xaml' which can be found in the 'Common' folder. The 'Background' property of the style is set to the 'ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush' static resource which makes it black. You have to replace it with the ImageBrush.

<Style x:Key="LayoutRootStyle"
    <!--<Setter Property="Background"
            Value="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" />-->

    <Setter Property="Background">
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Assets/Background.jpg"
                        Stretch="UniformToFill" />

Don't forget to remove the Grid.Background from all pages.

    <Grid Style="{StaticResource LayoutRootStyle}">
            <RowDefinition Height="140"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Assets/Background.jpg"
                        Stretch="UniformToFill" />

Solution 3 - Set Frame.Background property in the App.xaml.cs

Each time you navigate to a new page in Solution 1 and 2 the background image is loaded and shown. On slow devices you will see the image flicker. To solve this problem you can use my preferred solution.

Navigation is implemented using a Frame control which is set as the root of the application in the App.xaml.cs file. You can set the Background of this Frame to an ImageBrush (lines 13 - 18).

protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
    Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;

    // Do not repeat app initialization when the Window already has content,
    // just ensure that the window is active
    if (rootFrame == null)
        // Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
        rootFrame = new Frame();

        // Set the application background Image
        rootFrame.Background = new ImageBrush {
            Stretch = Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Stretch.UniformToFill,
            ImageSource =
                new BitmapImage { UriSource = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Background.jpg") }

        //Associate the frame with a SuspensionManager key                                
        SuspensionManager.RegisterFrame(rootFrame, "AppFrame");

Don't forget to remove the Grid.Background from the style.

<Style x:Key="LayoutRootStyle"
    <!--<Setter Property="Background"
            Value="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" />-->

    <!--<Setter Property="Background">
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Assets/Background.jpg"
                        Stretch="UniformToFill" />

The background image is now shown on each page and only loaded once on startup. This makes navigation fast en fluid.

Closure and download

I hope you like my solution. You can download my code below.




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Blog comments


27-Mar-2013 10:30
Nice! Thanks for the idea!


27-Mar-2013 10:31
Nice! Thanks for the idea!


08-Apr-2013 8:04
Very helpful indeed. Thanks.


25-Apr-2013 1:13
Unfortunately image is still flickering, even in your example. It's becoming more noticeable if you put something more bright as a background, and especially if you try it on slow computer. Maybe I'm doing something wrong thought, but I doubt it.

Alexander Chernosvitov

06-May-2013 6:22
Very good job! Thank you. I will use it in my lectures and will show your article to my students.


02-Sep-2013 3:47
Anyone else know why LayoutRootStyle isn't black on the dark theme? It seems to be a dark grey. If you explicitly set the background color to black it's noticeably different from the default. :(

syed ahmed ahah

28-Sep-2013 4:46
image is not still showing even I use first method I used blank xaml app with c# I place image in correct folder but it not works why


19-Feb-2014 3:17
thank you and greetings from Chile!!


04-Apr-2014 9:45
How to add a background image to a blank app ??


09-Apr-2014 10:39
Very good tutorial, easy to read and I enjoyed. In the Assets folder within the project directory I put my background image however it does not appear within the solution. I cannot seem to find a means of adding images as resources (Assets) via visual studio. Do you know how this is done? Apologies as this maybe very simple answer however I cannot find reference to how this is done. Im a Windows forms development hobbyist trying to make the transition

Stephen Hosking

11-Dec-2014 1:53
Fantastic! I was having the problems you mention with my XAML solution, and found this page. I just went straight to the recommended solution... // Set the application background Image rootFrame.Background = new ImageBrush { Stretch = Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Stretch.UniformToFill, ImageSource = new BitmapImage { UriSource = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Background.jpg") } }; I already had the background image in the right place, so it all just worked with 2 minutes work!


28-May-2018 6:34
Want backround