Reflection IT Blog

Benieuwd naar de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom software ontwikkeling en Reflection IT? Onze slimme koppen delen regelmatig hun kennis en ervaring. Zo weet jij wat er speelt!

2005 Blog posts

My Favorite Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0 features


  • C# 2.0
  • Class Designer
  • Unit Testing
  • Code Coverage
  • FXCop Integration
  • Debugging: DataTips, Visualizers and Viewers
  • Refactoring
  • Improved IntelliSense
  • Code Snippets
  • Profiles
  • Strongly-typed resource class generator
  • Improved (not perfect) Windows Forms controls

Binary Compatiblity


Microsoft has released a free LibCheck tool that allows you to compare two versions of an assembly, and determine the differences. The tool reports the differences as a combination of 'removed' and 'added' APIs. The tool is limited to looking only at APIs (i.e, it can't check for behavioral changes), and only compares public differences, or changes which are deemed to be 'breaking'. The tool can be used to quickly determine what has changed between one version of your assembly and another, and can help ensure that you won't introduce any breaking changes to clients of your assembly. Instructions and intended use of the tool are described in the 'libcheck tool specification' document with the zip file.

This was a feature I always was missing. VB6 had this, VS.NET didn't. Thanks MS.

AsyncHelper for VB.NET


I received a mail today from Rolf Gasber asking me whether I could help him with a VB.NET version of the AsyncHelper which I used in an earlier post. Here it is:


Class AsyncHelper

    Private Delegate Sub DynamicInvokeShimProc( ByVal d As [Delegate], _
ByVal args() As Object )

    Private Shared _dynamicInvokeShim As _
New DynamicInvokeShimProc( AddressOf DynamicInvokeShim)

    Private Shared _dynamicInvokeDone As _
New AsyncCallback( AddressOf DynamicInvokeDone)

    Public Shared Sub FireAndForget( ByVal d As [Delegate], _
ByVal ParamArray args() As Object )
        _dynamicInvokeShim.BeginInvoke(d, args,
AddressOf _
 DynamicInvokeDone, Nothing )
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub DynamicInvokeShim( ByVal d As [Delegate], _
ByVal args() As Object )
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub DynamicInvokeDone( ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
    End Sub



Microsoft has put my 'Dual List' .NET Magazine article online!


Microsoft has put my Visueel programmeren met .NET: Dual List Control article online. It is published in the .NET Magazine #8 and it is free for Dutch developers.
They didn't publish the sourcecode (yet) but you can download it from my own site. The aricle is in Dutch. You can find an (old) English version of this article here. An even more advanced implementation that also supports Drag & Drop can be found here.



For a long time I thought that I only had to set the Cursor.Current to a WaitCursor before a long running operation, the .NET runtime would reset it back to the Default cursor. Turns out that this is only true when the mouse is moved. Bummer.

// Cursor.Current are automatically reset to Default when the
// mouse is moved and the application is idle!
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

The solution for this problem is very easy. I created a helper class called WaitCursor which set the Cursor.Current and restores it to the original value when it it disposed.

public sealed class WaitCursor : IDisposable {   &nbsp   &nbsp   &nbsp   &nbsp
   &nbspprivate Cursor _prev;

   &nbsppublic WaitCursor(){
   &nbsp   &nbsp_prev= Cursor.Current;
   &nbsp   &nbspCursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

   &nbsppublicvoid Dispose(){
   &nbsp   &nbspCursor.Current =_prev;

I create the instance of the WairCursor class inside a using statement. This will automatically call the Dispose() method when it goes out of scope.



Microsoft has invented a new name Micro-ISV, which are software companies that are comprised of only one person. So, I'm a Micro-ISV. Planning to launch my product this year. I hope to succeed.

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