Reflection IT Blog

Benieuwd naar de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom software ontwikkeling en Reflection IT? Onze slimme koppen delen regelmatig hun kennis en ervaring. Zo weet jij wat er speelt!

silverlight tagged Blog posts

Microsoft Silverlight 3 training


Silverlight is een 'cross-over browser plugin' van Microsoft die het mogelijk maakt om animaties, audio en video weer te geven in de webbrowser (zoals bijvoorbeeld Explorer, Firefox, Safari).

Silverlight bevat een subset van het .NET 3.5 Framework waarmee, vanuit een Microsoft .NET taal zoals C#, Visual Basic of .NET, een programma geschreven kan worden dat in een browser draait. Tot nu toe kon dat alleen met JavaScript of met Flash van Adobe.

Microsoft Silverlight 3 training

Docenten Fons Sonnemans en Loek van den Ouweland verzorgen deze interactieve en praktijkgerichte trainingen voor zowel geinteresseerden als startende en meer ervaren programmeurs en grafisch vormgevers.

Silverlight 3.0 LetItSnowBehavior


Silverlight 3.0 has a great new feature called Behaviors. You can use them for a lot of things, one of them is to create a SNOW effect in a canvas. I know it is not yet Christmas but I like to be prepared. If you don't know what a behavior is or how to write them read first this blog post from Andrea Boschin.

You can download the sourcecode from here.

Silverlight projects in Visual Studio 2010


I finally found some time to test the beta of Visual Studio 2010. No problems found yet. It even supports a visual designer (Cider) for Silverlight projects. You can now use it to drag & drop controls from your toolbox, add rows/columns to a grid and set properties. Things which where only possible in Expression Blend.

Cider in Visual Studio 2010

Favorite MIX09 Videos


I didn't go to the MIX09. Luckily Microsoft has published the sessions using high quality videos. Here are my favorites:

Silverlight 2.0 Sudoku

11-Jan-2009 1 Comments

I'm developing a Silverlight 2.0 version of Sudoku. It is mainly a programming exercise, so there aren't too many multimedia bells and whistles (yet). I would really like to get feedback on it, thanks!

Click on the image below to play the Sudoku

Play Sudoku

Silverlight 2.0 Cross Domain Policy File Checker


In order to make Cross Domain calls in Silverlight 2 applications, the server you wish to download data from must have a Policy File in place that allows access to your site. I have created a Silverlight Application in which you can check the content of the Policy Files (if exists).

Click on the image below to try the application

Try application

Silverlight 2.0 Locator for Objectmap


I have created a new Silverlight 2 Control which is used in the Objectmap website. This control makes it easy for the customers of accounts to find their nearest object (branch, offices or sales outlet). They can also immediately retrieve dynamic directions to this location or link to a more info page.

Have a look at this demopage, sorry in Dutch only.

This control uses: Cross Domain WCF networking, Data Binding, Isolated Storage Settings, Google Maps API calls, Cross Domain HTML Bridge and Styling.

Get in touch

Met dit formulier kunt u informatie over een In-Company of Small-Group training aanvragen. U kunt in het bericht aangeven welke training u wilt, voor hoeveel personen, wanneer deze verzorgd moet worden en op welke locatie. Wij nemen vervolgens contact met u op.

U kunt ons ook bereiken via telefoonnummer +31 (0)493-688810 of per mail